With the pandemic striking the population hard, online doctor consultation is the best solution for doctors and the people. It isn't easy to visit doctors these days, as the fear of contracting COVID-19 makes you want to avoid doctors and hospitals. The rise in the smart healthcare industry has greatly helped cover the distance between patients and doctors virtually. New apps have been developed, making doctor consultations very easy and changing lives.

Here is the list of top online doctor consultation apps.


Practo is a health tech startup based in Bangalore. It has been rated as one of the best online doctor consultation apps. This app lets you fix virtual doctor appointments, record patient info and chat with qualified doctors in text or video mode. It also provides a medicine delivery service. The doctors are available 24/7.


Lybrate is a Delhi-based startup that finds you the best doctor out of 150,000 medical practitioners for your case. This app can also be used for updated information about medicines directly from experts and maintains patient privacy. You can also get detailed information about any particular drug, from composition to chemical interactions. In a nutshell, this app is the best for medicines and doctors.


Launched in 2018, Docttocare enables non-metropolitan cities to access healthcare and book virtual doctor appointments with doctors and hospitals in major cities. This app lets users receive care from the right doctor for their medical problems. You can book appointments on desired dates and times. It also provides online ambulance booking services and blood group availability tracking making it one of the ideal apps online.

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This Mumbai based telemedicine app provides users access to qualified doctors. It saves medical reports and prescriptions on the cloud, making it easy to access from any device, eliminating any need for carrying or searching too hard for reports. You can also subscribe to doctors, enabling you to easily share your medical files and past subscriptions with the doctor.

Other telemedicine apps you could check out are Portea, EUOR Health, MUrgency, DocOnline and Apollo247.

Healthcare startups have reduced the gap between patients and doctors. Doctors play a vital role in our lives, and apps such as these let you receive healthcare without having to step out of your house.